Welcome to my Blog!

Picture this, you’re at a Barnes and Noble, Borders (If they still exist), or any other place they sell or rent books, and in front of you is a wall of science fiction novels. The display looks like a riot, with nondescript older books from some guy named Heinlein mixed in with new flashy books. […]

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Recommendation #1: Foundation

I’ve always believed in putting your best foot forward when entering a discussion, and in my mind, that puts Foundation by Isaac Asimov as my first recommended series. While the name Foundation seems a rather bland name, the concepts and ideas put forth by Asimov over three decades of writing have influenced such icons as […]

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Recommendation #3 Revelation Space

As a forewarning, my next recommendation is a card carrying member of the odd and confusing, “hard sci-fi” subgenre. However, even if you are wary of reading about Planck energy, AI, ripples in space-time, along with some sociopathic cyborgs, the novel Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds is a worthwhile read. Revelation Space’s plot itself is […]

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Recommendation #4: Leviathan Wakes

And now for something completely different. For those who would rather not delve to deeply into the oddities of “hard” science fiction, the novel Leviathan Wakes is like a written version of an action packed TV show. (Coincidentally, it has been made into an amazing TV series, airing every Wednesday night on SyFy.) Written by […]

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Recommendation #9: Hyperion

For my last two recommendations, I am reviewing two of the most intense novels that I have ever read, Hyperion and its sequel, The Fall of Hyperion. Originally published in 1989 by Dan Simmons, Hyperion is one of those novels that you read once, and then wish you can forget it, just so you can […]

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