Welcome to my Blog!

Picture this, you’re at a Barnes and Noble, Borders (If they still exist), or any other place they sell or rent books, and in front of you is a wall of science fiction novels. The display looks like a riot, with nondescript older books from some guy named Heinlein mixed in with new flashy books. In the middle of this mess, how can you know whether that 500 page brick with “Leviathan Wakes” colorfully stenciled across the binding is worth your time?

That’s where I come in. My name is Jacob Vander Griend, and for the past decade I have read my fair share of science fiction. The purpose of this blog is to make this confusing and diverse genre a bit more manageable, and cheaper too! Each week or so I will be reviewing a series and novel that stands out among the rest, complete with a useful background on the plot.

Next week I hope you will join me for an introduction to Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, one of the best starting points for anyone interested in science fiction.

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