Recommendation #8: Ender’s Game

When I first heard of Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, I wasn’t to sure what to think. A book about a child genius tasked with saving humanity? That sounds like a novel for elementary school, not a serious science fiction novel.  Yet, after I was informed that this novel had somehow ended up on the professional reading list of the US Marine Corps, I decided to give it a look.

Set in the near future, the events of Ender’s Game take place after the near desolation of Earth by an alien race known only as the “Buggers”. While Humanity was successful in driving off the first two invasions, the threat of a possible third invasion drives the military leadership of Earth to plan a preemptive strike of their own. Yet, despite the construction of a large fleet, the plan faces certain failure because there is no fleet commander competent to organize such a large-scale undertaking.

In order to fix this problem, the most gifted children on Earth are conscripted and trained in the hopes of creating the ideal commander. For six-year old Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, and the other talented candidates, the survival of the human race rests on their ability to learn, and learn quickly, because the third Human-Bugger war may be closer than they think.

While it may be described as a Young Adult (YA) novel, Ender’s Game is not watered down for younger readers, and holds some thought provoking moments even for adults. Ender’s Game is also only 320 pages set with a fast moving plot, making it a quick read compared to some of the other novels I have recommended to date. So, if you are looking for a good novel for a long flight or trip, Ender’s Game might be what you’re looking for!

San Diego Public Library Copies


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